Fred Hall involved in payoffs?

I forgot the name of one the people who profited handsomely from the sale. This is not hard to find information, I'm almost sure there was more than one consultant or what ever you want to call em.
The problem (or maybe not), we have here is Vito Manola. Vito is running for mayor of Palatine again. He was or is a Palatine Park District employee? Another words, Fred Hall was his boss? I would assume that he would be knowledgeable of all real estate transactions. Who got how much for what, side deals.

Lets not forget about Al Helms, Fred's #2 man or Oren, Al's brother (in charge of the water department), Brad Helms on the council. Al's sister in Cary (use to go and rod the sewer (line is flat to back pitched)). I think I dug up the sewer once, installed a clean out at Orvals's Helms house and rodded once since then.
Fred and his buddies at the legion hired me to do a job and did not pay me, I am near bankrupt, should be collecting food stamps and government aid. To me Fred, his buddies, the American legion are a bunch of creeps. They belong in jail, They are a disgrace the the American flag.